What is known about the Bowen technique

The body's soft connective tissue is stretched using a comprehensive method in Bowen treatment. This mild stretching can help reduce associated neurological disorders and encourage muscle pain alleviation.

Australia is where Bowen therapy—also referred to as biotech or Bowenwork—had its start. There may be some alleviation from this holistic therapy, but there is conflicting and little evidence to support its efficacy.

Applications for Bowen therapy

Bowen Therapy in Cornubia is frequently used to address discomfort related to the muscles and mobility. It can address both short-term and long-term problems. 

Conditions and symptoms that people frequently utilize Bowen therapy to treat include the following, according to the Bowen Therapists Federation of Australia:


both acute and persistent pain brought on by neurological or musculoskeletal conditions

neck ache

back discomfort

Depression, anxiety, and stress

lower back discomfort

overall joint discomfort

sciatica injuries in sports

Chronic tiredness syndrome asthma

discomfort in the legs or feet

Carpal tunnel syndrome and arm pain

TMJ syndrome is a term used to describe shoulder or ear pain.

Back Pain in Cornubia proponents cite positive outcomes from the treatment. All patients, including those who are elderly, can safely get the therapy.

There are, however, few high-quality scientific studies on the efficacy of Bowen therapy. The outcomes of the research that has already been done are mixed but generally encouraging.

The effects of Bowen therapy on postural control and pain thresholds were examined in a 2016 study (Trusted Source), and the therapy's outcomes were not always constant for the subjects. The researchers state that additional research is required.


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